My brother, Terry, sent a funeral wreath. For a while the hotel management thought someone had died in the room.
Waiting for a table at the Chart House.
Bob (Elephant), Bettye, Me (Toucan), Ron B (Fish), Patty, Bill (Duck), Gaye, Bob P (pig). Below is Belinda and Demetra.
A toucan nose and knows wine but and elephant never forgets
Noses up.
A classic look.
How to make a lemon into a peach as told by the master Ron B. "Now ain't that a peach".
While not strictly sanctioned, swapping noses did happen from time to time.
Understated elegance.
A regular circus.
We closed the Chart House down. We impressed the wait staff so much that management asked for a repeat performance for the staff. The look on this young ladies face was priceless.
Christians, a converted church and upscale restaurant that was not prepared for what was about to happen.
We started off looking respectable enough.
We should be drinling ..... more.
The elephant blew out my candle.
Still vertical, mostly.
I attracted an admirer in a Rolls Royce.
Bob W and Bill rockin' the nose on Bourbon Street.
Whats better than a nose, a whole conga line of noses.
Bob W with the Band on Bourbon street.
Bob W about to get thrown off the stage.
Ron's 40th - 1986
What a bash!! This event was made special by the people who came to help me celebrate. Bob & Demetra Pender, Bill & Bettye Hussey, Bob & Gaye Williams and Ron & Belinda Byer. I am truly grateful for these photos because at the time things were a wee bit fuzzy.